Hello there! It's me, your humble...um...narrator? Host? I like host. Your humble host. I'm back from my vacation! I got in from New Orleans yesterday afternoon after a week of travel from New Orleans to Costa Maya and Cozumel and back.
No. Really. Here, look:
Fun stuff, right? Okay, now lets get back to the business at hand...
Last night started the Discovery Channel's 20th annual Shark Week. The highlight of the year for many cable viewers. This does not include me, you see, I am missing out on Shark Week for the first time in...17 or 18 years. Stupid Comcast. What a bunch of jerks. How dare they decide that I should PAY to watch their crappy commercials. Needless to say, I have no cable, and since I'm at home and not on some fancy pants work trip, I will not get to enjoy the wonderful programming that the Discovery Channel has to offer this week.
Well, to hell with them! I'll have my own Shark Week! With booze, and blackjack and hookers! And I'll watch shark movies on my own. And then I'll write about them! You'll see! I'll prove to Comcast that I don't need them!
I've got a few things to do this afternoon, so the first post won't come until this evening...let's see what happens!
Geesh, don't you work anymore, man? ;)
Yeah, I'll be back at work tomorrow. I'm still on vacation today. Kind of. It's a comp day they owed me from the Arizona trip. Jerks makin me travel on a Saturday...
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