Friday, September 28, 2007

Could we call it a flawed masterpiece?

I want to re-visit Event Horizon. As I said before, I REALLY want to like this movie. And I keep trying. The story is good, the actors are all good (well, Laurence Fishburne basically plays himself, and Richard Jones is an okay as the Magical Black Man, Cooper ( though he seems to be trying to hard to play a young Eddie Murphy)), the idea behind it is great, and by 1997's standards, the cgi is pretty damned good. I mean, everything was in place. This should have been an A-1 Super Dooper horror movie in space. (Look at me laying down those sick rhymes!)

It's not, but it should have been. I don't know. Everything just doesn't come together. It feels forced. There's just so little chemistry in the movie. And, I still blame Paul W.S. Anderson for that.

I keep watching his movies, hoping that he'll get it together and make something good. He did a good enough job with the first Resident Evil (though even there a lot of the casting, acting and story choices were a little suspect), but nothing else has really felt as cohesive.

So, it made me think last night, as I was watching Event Horizon again...what if someone else had directed Event Horizon?

I think it's fairly obvious that had Danny Boyle directed it, you'd basically have gotten Sunshine. Go figure.

What if Speilberg had been at the helm? He's done a few movies with aliens, but not really anything in space. He can certainly make a scary movie. Though you run the risk of making Saving the Event Horizon which has some great scares at the beginning and end, but a lot of boring BS in the middle.

Can you imagine Paul Verhoeven, instead of working on Starship Troopers, making a different kind of space movie. There'd be corruption everywhere, and a bit of nudity. The Event Horizon would be a warship, and the gravity drive a weapon. Everyone would falling in love and betraying each other as the Event Horizon destroys planets everywhere it goes.

What about George Romero? Event Horizon of the Dead. The Lewis and Clark arrives to find out that the crew have become flesh eating zombies. Weir gets bit, but hides it from everyone (someone ALWAYS gets bit and then hides it), and upon returning to Earth, he begins to infect everyone else.

Ridley Scott...? Well, most likely, he'd just make Alien. Which he did. 20 years prior. So, I guess, really, if you had Anderson remake Alien, you'd get Event Horizon.


Unknown said...

The movie is kinda like The Mummy 2, in that it was "just a little bit off".