Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I also learned that ducks bounce

Last night, after work, I decided to go see a movie.

It was unsettling to say the least.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

It's like they're trapped! In a room!

Thinking about Splinter got me thinking about something else. It got me thinking about some of the movies that I've really liked that took place in essentially one location. So, here are some of my favorite movies that take place in a small location (in no real order):

Three people trapped in a remote gas station while a deadly fungus tries to get inside to infect them.

Right At Your Door
A dirty bomb goes off in LA, a man traps himself inside his house with a stranger while his wife is stuck outside.
Evil Dead 2
 A spooky cabin in the middle of nowhere. It doesn't get much simpler than that.
Night of the Living Dead

Nothing like trying to survive the zombie apocalypse by sequestering yourself in a farmhouse.

A group of people trapped in a bar while monsters try to get in.
I'm sure I missed some, so what other movies manage to do a lot with a single location?

Monday, April 06, 2009

It's ok! We're cutting off your arm!

Not every movie is groundbreaking. They can't all be totally new and unique. Sometimes, it's enough just to do things well. Splinter is nothing new. There's nothing here that you haven't seen before.

Basically, an escaped convict is trying to get his girlfriend to rehab and on the way kidnaps a happy couple. They end up trapped in a gas station while trying to survive an attack by some crazy fungus that consumes and controls what ever person or animal it gets into.

Nothing amazingly unique about it, but it's still a pretty good movie. Where a lot of low budget movies fail is in trying to do too much with too little. Splinter doesn't have that problem. It's essentially one set, a gas station and there aren't a lot of crazy computer effects in it.

Saturday, April 04, 2009

YouTube Saturday